Thursday, August 20, 2009

Take - 1

It was raining pretty heavily that day and it seemed as if god himself has descended down to earth to make this happen ; lighting all around, winds blowing as if to prophesies something.
OK, nothing of that happened.{mind it, i have this habit of exaggerating stuff}.
but yeah , it was raining ; better of we can say6 it was drizzling and this had to happen.
Pranav being the quintessential flirt that he was offered his umbrella to her. he was like , " hey class mein jate jate tu puri tarah bhing jayegi, u can share my umbrella."
News flash : Pranav-21 , smart , overconfident , rich spoilt brat , has a record in watching porn continuously for 6 hours ; who's dream was to get into symbiosis institute of mass communication and pursue journalism.{OK that part was not needed}.
He never would have imagined how life was gonna take a u-turn after that. he had come to kolkata for his higher studies or say "graduation" and this was supposedly his last year in college.
he had planned everything in a pragmatic way...grads in English honors -post grads from symbiosis in journalism-go abroad-do his m.b.a. ....then Wat marry his childhood sweetheart. But consequential things like destiny , faith and all had in store a life not so glossy.....

to be continued....

juste comme ca.

In contention with the last post....i continue..well lets c...wat topic amongst the four do i touch first...lemme think....hmn..hmnn
ok ..what i will do is ; try n connect the four incidents one by one...
but dudes and divas and occasional visitors to my blog , i start of by sharing a figment of my own imagination...

The return fo the Jedi..

Its been more than a year i suppose since i updated this place ; man..seriously its been a long time.
well how do i put this....
the last year was a literal roller costar ride for me.
In the next few weeks i will be majorly dealing with 4 incidents and will elaborate on that. they are as follows..
1)my on n off encounter with symbiosis .
2)Relationship...argh...(not again)..yes i had fallen for a girl almost like a Hindi film lunatic hero.
3)Me getting a backlog in a subject.
4)An attempt to suicide.