Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have been listening to the song zombie from cranberies and mind you this song had had a strong influenc on me. So i am goona spill out some beans today,although abhishek told me not to in ma blog but cant help......

Somtimes i feel i have let down my parents a lot; still cant get over the fact that i didint do well in my 12std exams. But its all over and now i have moved on..that is what i try to tell myself. Sometimes i realy feel let down..i mean i am the same guy the same aritra who used to die for every chance to host and be a part of every activitity; but it seems life has always in store for me something life is like a mixed puzzle. It s realy confusing,one thing that has always happned that i ahve got betrayed by people..i mean i am like always in a mood to help evevrybody sometimes, even i dont but moreover on a larger scale it seems i havent been able to understand people properly. Got myself to blame though. Its been since i joned the alliance francaises classes and its been going good, thank GOD. Ironicaly nowadays i am not online regurlarly;well thats a plus point considering the fact that not so long ago i used to be a net freak.

One thing that i have promised to myself that i will never ever let my mom n dad down;sometimes its feel bad wen i think how much harships my dad has taten to make into what i am today....i just pray to god everything falls into place...the year 2008 is damn imp for me..its a make or brake year for me. THE attitude of my roomates have not been goood especialy one fo them the one from jamshedpur..i mean i helped him so much initially but nowadays man he turns his his back on sucks

My event management stuff has been going preety good, there was this offer that came my way from arpita didi about going to iit kgp and iit guwahati but it seems i wont be able to make this was an imp assingment for me, actualy i have got my the french classes and moreover i gotto answer my exams{graduation wale}

Please pardon my spelling mistakes....cant help it man i mean its time consuming to give thosr punctuation n stuff

short n simple.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Life wounds all of us. At best there is sorrow enough to go round. Yet because the deepest wounds are those of the soul and hidden to mortal sight, we keep hurting each other day by day, inflicting wounds that time mercifully scars over. But the scars remain, ready at a touch to throb angrily and ache again with the old gnawing wild pain. You remember that day in school when the teacher laughed? You were only a little fellow, shy and silent, sitting in the shadow of the big boys, wistfully looking toward the day when you would shine as they did. That day you were sure your chance had come. You were sure that you had just what the teacher wanted on the tip of your tongue, and you jumped up and shouted it out loudly and eagerly, triumphantly - and you were very, very wrong. There followed a flash of astonishment, an instant of dreadful silence, and then the room rang with mirth. You heard only the teacher's laughter, and it drowned your heart. Many years have gone over head since that day, but the sight of a little lad trudging along to school brings it back, and the old pain stirs and beats against the scar. You cover it over, hush it to quiet once more with a smile. "I must have been funny. She couldn't help it." But you wish she had. And there was that time when your best friend failed you. When the loose-tongued gossips started the damaging story and he was pressed for a single word in your defense, he said, "Oh, he's all right. Of course, he's all right, but I don't want to get mixed up in this thing. Can't afford it. Have to think of my own name and my own family, you understand. Good fellow, but I have to keep out of this." You felt forsaken. For weeks and weeks you carried the pain in your heart. The story was bad enough but would right itself. The idea that he should fail you, that he had not, rushed to your side at the first hint of trouble was bad enough, was unbearable. He came back again after it was all over, but the sight of him renewed the ache in your breast and the throb of pain in your throat. The scar was thin, and the hurt beneath it quivered. We all bear scars. Life is a struggle, and hurts must come. But why the unnecessary ones? Why hurt the souls of little children? Why say things to them that they must remember with pain all their lives? Why say the smart, tart thing that goes straight to the heart of someone we love because we would relieve ourselves of the day's tension and throw off a grain of the soul's bitterness? Who are we to inflict wounds and suffering and scars on those about us? Staggering, blind mortals, groping our way from somewhere "here" to somewhere "there" conscious of little but the effort to stay "here" a little longer! It behooves us to travel softly, regardful of one another's happiness, particularly where our path crosses that of those dependent upon us for comfort or enters into the heart of little children.